Re: "Library lets us down," letter from Joe Lepper in last week'sCentral Somerset Gazette.
In response to Mr Lepper (or would he prefer to be just "Lepper", since he dispensed with her title when referring to MrsCrowley?) I have always had good service from the staff at StreetLibrary.
They have the difficult job of trying to please all sections ofthe community, from the elderly and academic to children, some ofwhose parents abandon them to bang away on the computers while theypursue their own interests.
Surely any responsible parent wants to supervise a six-year- old's use of the internet, which is, after all, not a play-thing?
I use both Street and Glastonbury libraries, and can assureLepper that events for children are held at both.
My daughter loved being read to by Father Christmas atGlastonbury library last year, and recently enjoyed a poetry-reading session there, although it would have been nice if moreparents had brought their children.
Perhaps too much is done to amuse children in the area?
The library staff are busy serving the public, rather than"engaging with the community", but they spend as much time as theycan promoting these events with posters and flyers, as well astelling people about them.
However, I agree that more could be done to inform the public,and I suggest that Somerset County Council's press office, who arepaid to do this job, could do more to raise awareness of all theactivities available.
Surely they've heard of local radio, and internet websites?
For Lepper's information, there are posters for an adult eventcalled Banish Your Clutter in Glastonbury Library on Wednesday, May18, which he may wish to support, since "community engagement" hasto go both ways to be successful.
Hazel Whitcombe Manor House Road Glastonbury
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